BlackWolf Preserved Page 4
The Queen covered everything from how to walk into a room, how clothing should drape and fit, hosting dinner parties, social events, how to listen without being noticed, how to rule with a soft fist, and many other skills. Most of those things, especially managing large groups, Zoe was positive she would never need or use.
Queen Miriam hadn’t been stingy with her praise or kindness or affection. Over time, trust and then love formed. Now, Zoe would do anything to make the woman she called “Mom” happy.
The car stopped in front of a large hacienda. Several full-bloods roamed the front yard while watching her step out the car. Dressed in a cream colored, designer pants suit with a low cream and navy blouse and matching pumps, she ignored the stunned looks sent in her direction as she pushed her sunglasses up her nose to speak to the driver.
“Wait here, I’ll be right back.”
He looked at the house, then at her holding nothing but her purse and nodded. “Si.”
Turning, she straightened her back and walked up the long path leading to the porch. Before she reached the steps, a man and an older woman stepped outside. The woman started speaking fast in a language Zoe didn’t understand. The man listened to the woman while staring at Zoe. He had to be the same height as Zoe’s 5’10”, although in her five-inch heels she was taller. Best to get this over with, she thought and pulled out the padded envelope Miriam gave her to give them.
“Here’s the package from Queen Miriam... she said to give it to you.” She extended it to the man first. They all stared at her as if she were crazy. “This is for you.” She spoke slower this time. When they continued staring at her, she allowed her hand to drop. “Now what?” she wondered. This hadn’t happened before. Normally, she arrived, handed off the package, they said thank-you, she turned and left.
“Do you want this?” she asked. Beads of sweat formed on her forehead, in this heat her blouse would soon be wet as well.
“No,” the man said.
“No?” Zoe was surprised.
He shook his head. “No.”
“Alright.” No way would she stand here and argue with them. She had done her part, delivered the package. They refused. She was out. Turning, she walked toward the car.
“No,” the man said in a loud voice stopping her. “He’s not here. You must take it there.” He lumbered off the porch and placed a piece of paper into her hand. “Take it there.”
Aggravated, she looked at the paper and then up at him. “Seriously? Can’t you give it to him? Hold on to it or something?” Driving to wherever this was in this heat, held no appeal.
“No. Take it. Go.” He returned to the porch as she slid into the backseat and turned the vents on her. Cool air buffeted her skin, easing her discomfort.
“How far is this? Can we go there and be back to the airport before five?” she asked the driver after giving him the slip of paper.
He looked at it several seconds, made a call, hung up and waited.
“What’s the problem?” She wanted to get this over and leave this place. Note to self, no more trips to South America.
He explained what he waited for, the only word she understood was “permiso” which came a few moments later.
When the car was moving, she contacted Miriam with an update and a promise to let her know once she delivered the package.
Two hours later the driver pulled onto a dirt road. In the distance stood a large, old two story building. It reminded her of something out of a horror movie. Goosebumps spilled across her skin as she stared at it. “That’s not where we’re going is it?”
The driver met her gaze in the rear-view mirror and nodded.
Zoe leaned out the window, took several photos and sent them with one question. “Mom, are you sure you want me to go there? It’s scary looking.”
The closer they came to the building the faster her heart raced. Her stomach clenched.
“Yes. Won’t take long, right?” Miriam responded.
Zoe stared at the reply. “Seriously? Did you get the pictures I sent? This place looks like it’s straight out of a Dracula movie. We’re miles away from everywhere.” She tapped send and stared at the people working.
No wonder they were out in the back woods, she was on Pack lands. When there was no response, she sent another message. “Mom? Did you hear me?”
“We’re here.” The driver said turning slightly to look at her. “I wait for you.”
“Thank you. This won’t take long.” She stared at her phone. What happened to the bars? Had her last message reached her Mom? Fear choked her.
“That’s alright, take me back to the airport.” She didn’t want to get out the car.
“I will not be paid if you do not deliver your package,” he said in perfect English.
“I’ll pay you double if you take me out of here right now,” she said. Her beast was going nuts. Fear choked her. Whatever was in that place was not her friend.
“I cannot. Go inside. Deliver your package. I will wait here for you.” He was lying, and that scared her more. She swallowed hard and sent another message to her mother. “Please get me out of here, this place scares me.”
After waiting several minutes for a response that never came, she took her purse and the package and stepped out the car. A few people stopped to look at her but never made eye contact. With each step she stared at her phone, hoping her mother would call or send a message or something. When she reached the porch, the door opened. An older woman with dark assessing eyes stared at her without speaking.
“I have a delivery for you.” Zoe extended the envelope.
The woman looked at it and then at her before moving to the side to allow her to enter. Taking a deep breath, Zoe stepped inside and stopped. “Who is this for?”
“I believe it’s for me.”
Zoe spun around and met the dark pine-green gaze of the driver. “What?” She hadn’t realized he was that tall.
“It’s for me,” he said with his hand extended.
Stunned she looked at his hand a few moments and placed it in his hand. “Why didn’t you get it at the airport?”
“I had to be sure you were who they said you were.” Smiling, he stuffed his hands into his pockets and rocked on the balls of his feet. In her heels, they were similar in height. The seams of his shirt stretched across his wide chest, he was handsome in a rugged way, but her beast wasn’t interested.
Frowning she returned his gaze. “Who said what? What’re you talking about?” Zoe asked. Others entered the large room. Her beast stirred but wasn’t agitated which kept Zoe calm. She moved so she could see all of them.
“I’m Thiago.” He pointed to the older woman. “Silvia our historian. And these are other members of the Hidalgo Pack.” He waved to the others in the room. They nodded but didn’t speak.
“Hello,” Zoe said in what she hoped was a pleasant voice. “Now that I’ve delivered the package, will you take me back to the airport?” She tried to remain positive and polite but the look he gave her didn’t bode well.
He opened the envelope, turned his back so she couldn’t see the contents. When he faced her, he held a smaller envelope in his other hand.
She frowned as he extended it to her.
“This is for you.”
Afraid to take it, she stared at the handwriting on the envelope for several seconds.
“Take it,” he said in a harder tone.
Inhaling deeply, she took the letter with the Queen’s handwriting and opened it.
Don’t be angry or frightened. Alpha Sacha won’t hurt you. How to start... When I found you beaten and abused in the forest all those years ago, I swore I would find whoever had done such an evil thing and make them pay. I’ve searched for years for answers and we now know what happened. During my search I came across your clan. I’ve known about them and their location for the past three years. It was selfish of me not to tell you immediately. Each day I promised I’d tell you but
couldn’t bear the thought of your absence. The story of what happened to you is your Alpha’s to tell. He has agreed to allow you to choose where you want to live in the future but wanted an opportunity to become reacquainted first. Remember I love you as my own and always will.
Zoe shook her head to clear it. Surely she hadn’t read this right. The Queen sent her to these people? To stay? Pain slashed her chest, and she closed her eyes for several moments. How could her Mom make this decision without discussing it with her first? This was her life. She looked around at the expectant faces and wondered what was her mother thinking?
“I think there’s been a mistake,” Zoe said straightening her back. She loved Miriam but wouldn’t allow anyone to trade or barter her in this manner.
“There’s been no mistake,” a deep voice said entering the room.
Zoe’s heart raced and her mouth went dry. Her beast stirred and sniffed the air as she turned. Eyes the same color as hers stared down at her. She gazed at his long braid that passed his shoulder. He was tall and big like a mountain man.
She blinked and looked over her shoulder to see who he spoke to.
“Your name is Kira. My pup. My daughter.”
Her world spun as she heard the truth in his words. “What? I’m the package?” she whispered. The letter said this was her clan not her father. How? Her throat tightened as her beast recognized and submitted to his beast.
He stepped toward her and stopped. Pain was etched across his face. “You were taken during a trip into town...” He took a deep breath and shook his head. “We have no idea how you arrived in Lyrill, but we discovered who took you.”
“Wait. You’re...” She wet her lips. “You’re my sire? My father?” What about Miriam? she wondered.
“Yes.” He sounded impatient.
Too bad. She had to process this.
“I was kidnapped. Someone kidnapped me while I was with you somewhere?” she whispered.
“In Honduras. We lived there at the time. I had only turned my back for a moment and you were gone. We searched everywhere for you. Do you remember any of this?” He stepped closer.
She took a step backward. “No. I have no memories before waking up in the forest. It was cold, damp and had an acidic odor. Mom... Miriam... Queen Miriam found me and took me to the castle. I almost died. I remember hearing her pray as she wiped my brow.” She touched her forehead and then looked at him. “Where’s my mother?” Not that she needed another one, but it was good to know these things.
“She was killed the same day you disappeared,” he said in a low voice and sat heavily in the chair.
That shook her. “I’m sorry. I didn’t know.” They all looked at her as if she should say or do something.
He waved off her comment and looked at her. “You’ve grown and changed.”
That was an understatement. “Yes, it’s been 15 years.” She glanced at the driver but he stared at the floor.
“Do you have other children?” she asked to break the silence.
“No longer. I lost all that day. We knew you must have survived,” he said.
Zoe frowned. “Why?”
“Because he lost his mate and didn’t die,” the driver said in a low whisper.
Horrified, Zoe stared at him. “You would’ve died because your mate died?”
Her father looked at her a few moments. “It’s the way of mated full-bloods. You recall nothing?” He appeared skeptical.
Thiago spoke before Zoe could. “No, Alpha. She doesn’t know any of us. We went to her Mam’s Pack first. As often as she played with other pups in the yard, she didn’t recognize the house or any of her old playmates who had come to see her.”
Zoe spun around. “Wait, what?” The people in the yard were people she knew once? Why didn’t they say something?
“And you? Did she recognize you?” her father asked looking over his shoulder at Thiago.
“No. Still doesn’t.” He didn’t sound happy or sad about it, more resigned.
“Should I know you?” Zoe challenged.
“Yes.” He took a deep breath and gave her father the package she had given him earlier. He read everything, nodded and stuffed it in his pocket.
Her father looked at the others. “Leave us.”
When they were alone, he motioned for her to follow him. Why clear the room if he wasn’t going to remain in it? The thought made her hesitate, but her beast didn’t sense deceit or lies, mostly sorrow emanated from him. Following, she entered his office and looked around. Books filled the shelves behind a massive desk. Several photos dotted the wood-paneled walls. Drawn to one in the middle of several others, her father, a woman who must have been her mother, Zoe and another girl who could’ve been her twin smiled for the camera. They looked happy.
“That’s my mother?” Zoe wished she could remember the woman holding onto her but didn’t.
“Yes. Marianna. The other is your litter-mate Suri.” He took a deep breath. “This is not the way I envisioned seeing you after all these years.” He cursed. “They stole 15 years from me.”
She spun around and walked to him. “It’s okay,” she whispered wanting him to calm down.
“No. No it’s not okay. An eye for an eye. They took from me; I’ll take from them.”
Zoe had no idea what he was talking about and it didn’t matter. She wanted to go home. Insensitive? Yes. But she didn’t know anyone here and hearing about deaths and kidnappings made her uncomfortable.
He took several deep breaths before speaking. “I ask that you stay here with us for six months, learn of the Pack and your family, then decide where you would live.”
“No. Six months is too long,” she said without giving it much thought.
Chest heaving, he faced her fully. The tips of his canines flashed. His nostrils flared and eyes darkened to a rich caramel.
She stepped back and wished she was anywhere but here.
“Too long? You’re flesh of my flesh. My last living relative and heir. How can six months of your life be too long?”
He had a good point. Ashamed, she swallowed hard. Still, this place was in the middle of nowhere. It took almost four hours to get here. There was nothing for her to do. “Queen Miriam is sick. I think she’s dying. I can’t abandon her after all she’d done for me.” All of that was true.
His gaze narrowed. “She’s aware of my request and has already agreed.”
Stunned. Zoe stared up at him unable to speak. Six months sounded like a lifetime.
“You’re a wolf not the future Queen of that country. As a full-blood you need to understand Pack and what that means. She sent you home to learn so you can live fully. It’s possible your memories may return,” he said in a lower tone.
Future queen? She never wanted that and doubted the citizens of Lyrill would ever fully accept her. The only reason Zoe remained in that place was her mother. Rather than argue or share her thoughts on his comments, she stared at the photo of her family again. “Can you tell me what happened? How did I end up in Lyrill?”
“We don’t know how you got to Lyrill but we do know Alpha Ricardo, that rat bastard, was responsible for what happened to my den that day.”
Zoe’s beast responded to the anger, sorrow and pain in his voice, urging her to comfort him. She had no idea how or what to do. “Alpha Ricardo?” Maybe if she understood what happened all those years ago and why the Queen thought her being here would make a difference, the sense of betrayal rising in her chest would ease.
“Crooked. Corrupt. Sold Pack out to the highest bidder.”
“He was your Alpha?”
“No. I always led our Pack just as my Sire before me. Honestly, you remember nothing?”
Zoe ground her teeth and counted to 10. “I’ve already told you I don’t remember anything before I was found in the forest. Is that going to be a problem?” Their gazes clashed for several seconds.
He relaxed and shook h
is head. “It’s better in a way. I’d be heartbroken that you didn’t give me a proper greeting otherwise.”
That stole the air from her lungs. “Proper greeting?”
The despondent look he gave her hurt. “It’s been 15 years, two months and 18 days since I’ve seen or hugged my pup and she doesn’t know me. Doesn’t want to be around me. Perhaps despises me, I don’t know. I lost you and although you’re here, you’re not here.”
She didn’t know what to say or do. Should she pretend affection to comfort his beast? Act the part of the grateful pup? Moving closer, she placed her hand on his shoulder and waited until he looked up at her. “I’m so sorry all of this happened to us, to our family. No one told me I’d be meeting you or walking into my past or that I would be the package delivered. Honestly, I’m overwhelmed. Once I think through everything... I don’t know if I’ll respond differently.”
“You have another life, one that does not involve Pack,” he said watching her.
“Yes. For me, I’m in Lyrill because of the Queen. I love her and won’t abandon her, ever. She and I will have a serious conversation about making decisions for me. I don’t like or appreciate it. I’m...” she paused. “How old am I?”
“I’m 25 and refuse to be kept in the dark over things that directly impact my life.”
When he didn’t agree or disagree, she crossed her arms and stared down at him.
“Do you realize some Pack members live for centuries?” he said a few moments later.
“What?” Her mouth dropped open. She snapped it shut. “You’re making that up.”
He shook his head. “Ulysses a priest in the Goddess’ temple lived almost four centuries. He owned most of the land surrounding the house you visited earlier.”
“Those were Mam’s people?” she looked at him.
“Yes. They blamed me for her death and cut off ties.” He took a deep breath and stood.