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The Leviticus Club Page 22
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Page 22
“I vote for stopping the threat,” Mia told Noah.
“I agree,” he said.
GENERAL STRAIT BURIED his cousin Nate two days ago. It had been a difficult day, made worse by what appeared to be a stalled case. His contact at the FBI was no further along than the team he hired to look into matters. How could multiple stonings take place in this country without leaving any clues? Impossible.
Obviously not. The stonings had been going on for months and the FBI didn’t have one solid lead. It made no sense. Sitting in his home office, he used a burner phone to place a call to Gil Schmidt, the trainer he bought on for the Olympus Project.
“Do you have anyone who can hunt down a serial killer?”
“Yes. What do you need?”
The General explained what he knew, advised him on the FBI’s involvement but didn’t mention the other team he hired. That was a private card he would hold close.
“Sounds like more than one person, maybe a group,” Schmidt said.
“I’d been thinking along those lines, myself. No way one person could commit the same type of crime in several states by themselves, the deaths have been too clean. So far the FBI has found no mistakes.”
“They’re good. But my guys are better. Send me what you have and I’ll send two of my best hunters to handle it.”
“Try to stop whoever this is. I want them to hang publicly for what they’ve done.”
“Any vets been killed?”
“Not yet,” the General said.
“Not ever. We’ll nail the bastard,” Schmidt said.
Feeling better that he would fulfill his promise to his cousin, the General relaxed. “Sounds like things are going well with the program. You’ve resettled on the Compte?” He had approved the group’s request to access a training facility in the US Virgin Island.
“Yes. Three days. Training has been good. They’re learning to use their enhancements better and soon it should become second nature to them.”
“Do not allow them to fraternize with the natives.”
“Understood. When we’re ready and in control, we’ll return stateside to the base.”
The General would need to introduce the concept of enhanced human soldiers to the Joint Chiefs as a replacement for La Patron’s Knights.
Most of the Joint Chief would accept the new team. Admiral Blue and General Williams might give him a hard time. But once they saw what these men could do, it would change their minds. At least he hoped it would.
The General cleared his throat. “Before you return, prepare a presentation for high ranking members of the military. Make sure it’s damn good, no mess-ups. We need them to approve additional funding to build that corps. To get beyond the fact of injecting soldiers who flat-lined with a serum that enhances them to become more than human, I’ve got to show the benefits outweigh the methodology.”
“Yes, Sir. We’ll be ready.”
“Two weeks.”
“Done. Just the ones we’re training now, not anyone who comes in after today,” he said.
That was fair. “Got a lot coming in?” the General asked.
“One or two a month survive the shot and remain sane.”
“What happens to the ones who aren’t sane?” the General asked.
“They’re put down.”
“Which is the end result of what would’ve happened if they hadn’t been given the serum,” the General said thinking that’s the line he’d give the others.
“Tidy. No loose ends,” the General said.
“None, Sir. My team’s got this under control. We’ll be ready in two weeks.”
“Counting on it. Let me know when you get more information on the serial killer,” the General said.
“Yes, Sir.” Schmidt disconnected,
NOAH AND MIA RETURNED from a quick flight down to Las Vegas where he called his cousin to let him know he was alright. Understandably, Liam had a lot of questions which Noah artfully avoided. Finally, he told his cousin he was traveling with Mia and would see him whenever he returned to Texas which would be whenever. They talked for 10 minutes about the house, truck and Noah’s future plans to be with Mia for a while.
Noah said he probably wouldn’t contact the military guys who were looking for him because he was finally enjoying retirement. When they finished talking, Noah immediately powered it down and turned it off before sticking it into his pocket. He and Mia returned to the small private airport where Thomas and Lizzy waited for them onboard a chartered jet to Denver to attend the Leviticus Club’s annual conference.
THE TWO MEN MONITORING Liam’s phone listened in on the call and immediately traced Noah’s location. They called it in.
Schmidt answered the call on the first ring. “Yes?”
“Sir, Sloan called his cousin. He’s currently in Las Vegas walking along the strip with someone.”
“Do we have anyone in Vegas who can put eyes on him?”
“Who do you want involved?”
“Never mind, I know someone. Continue watching Liam, I’ll get back to you in a few.”
“Yes, Sir.”
Schmidt called an old friend he’d served with several years ago. Glass retired to Vegas, worked in a casino. There was no answer. Schmidt tapped his finger on the table unsure if Sloan posed a threat. Probably not. Regardless, he was a loose end that had to be snipped.
He made another call, this time the phone was answered. “I need you to follow someone until my people arrive. They’ll take it from there.”
“Usual rates?”
Schmidt nodded. “Yes, usual rates. He’s on the strip walking with a date.” He gave him the longitude and latitudes of the moving target. “He may not be there long.”
“I was headed home, am turning around now. Send his pic and I’ll let you know when I see him.”
Satisfaction soared through Schmidt. Torr wasn’t military or anything close. He was a thug who’d make your problems disappear for a price. Schmidt rarely used him.
Schmidt sent the picture and then a message to Zeus and Hermes, sending them to Vegas.
“They’re heading to the private jetport. Pulled in and boarded a plane. Just took off.”
Schmidt frowned at Torr’s message. “Private plane?” He sent Torr a message to find out where the plane went. Next, he told his men to wait. No need to send them to Vegas.
Torr responded with a call. “The flight plan has them heading to Denver. The name on the manifest was your guy. No mention of the female. But she was with him.”
“Did you see them enter the plane?” Schmidt asked to be certain.
“Yeah, it’s a small jetport. I parked on the side and watched.”
“Which airport are they landing in Denver?”
“On it.” He sent Zeus the message to take the jet to Denver which was much closer than Vegas. They might arrive at the same time as Sloan.
“Sending the bill,” Torr said.
“Has the mission changed?” Zeus asked via text.
“No. This is clean up. Something that was missed. I’ll send you information for his termination. Once he’s eliminated continue the search for the perpetrators in the stoning case.”
“Yes, Sir.”
Schmidt looked out the onto the training area at the men and few women exercising or working to control their abilities. For some, the additional abilities were too much and they snapped, had to be terminated.
Others, like Zeus, Apollo, Hermes, Hypnos, Janus, Athena, and Hera, thrived. They believed the hype that they were gifts to men, better than the rest and used their gifts with eager abandon. They concerned Schmidt the most. Right now, they listened, followed instructions but how long would anyone who believed they were gods listen to men?
Onboard, Thomas sat back reading his tablet. Noah checked to make sure
he had his handicapped placard Liam had overnighted. He was going in as bait. As a cripple, he’d get close to the Priest and take him out.
“We’ve got a handicapped van reserved at the airport in addition to a car. Tonight is the kick-off for Leviticus club’s Annual Conference. Noah, you’re going in using a wheelchair. We’ll have you there early. They’ve got special sections for the disabled,” Thomas said. “I’ll give you a shot that will numb your legs in case they test you. It’ll last for 30 minutes.” He looked at Mia. “I’ll give you another dose for him, just in case.”
Mia nodded.
“I’ve got your change of clothes, Mia,” Lizzy said. “That wig will work but it’d be better to wear something with hidden pockets.” Mia had worn a long, dark brown wig while in Vegas with large sunglasses. Noah wore a baseball cap and sunglasses as well.
Lizzy passed her a bag. “Change before we land. If anyone checks cameras at the airport, they need to see your alias.”
“Okay,” Mia said.
“We’ll all be linked,” Thomas said. “Once the Priest appears, Mia compel him to choose Noah as his next victim. Draw his attention to Noah, we’re trying to avoid another murder. Lizzy will cast a glamour on Noah that will make him look helpless.”
Mia nodded and placed her hand on Noah’s thigh. He covered her hand with his.
“Whatever excuse they give for separating you and Noah, go with it’s an honor and appear excited for him.” Thomas looked at Noah. “If they remain true to how they’ve operated in the past, they’re going to shoot you with a fast-acting drug that’ll knock you out.” Thomas held up a small plastic bottle. “Before we leave for the conference you’ll take these to negate any effects. Hawke doesn’t think the drug will work on us because of our physiological changes but I’m not taking a chance.”
“Agreed.” Noah took the small bottle and slid it into his pocket.
“Once behind the curtain, use the mist to take him out,” Thomas said. “Make it quick and clean.
“Any idea how many of them there’ll be waiting for him back there?” Mia asked.
“No. but we know the Priests have others that surround him for the stoning. He doesn’t do them alone,” Thomas said. “He would have 12 at a minimum, crazy bastard.”
“That sounds about right,” Lizzy said.
“Is the Priest the only target?” Noah asked.
“Yes. Unless you’ve got to defend against any others,” Thomas said. “Then do whatever is necessary. But terminate Mosely.”
Noah opened his hand and the mist sparkled as it danced in a short spiral in his palm. It became dark, then disappeared. He’d come a long way controlling the mist and wasn’t sure it was still mist. “Gladly.”
“Mia what did you tell the dispatcher at the jetport?” Thomas asked.
“Instructed him what to say if anyone asked questions about us and to contact the toll number if it happened. He called?”
“Yes. Sent a video of the conversation too.” They watched the mousy looking man at the counter asking about them.
“They know we’re headed to Denver,” Thomas said.
“They know Noah’s headed to Denver, he’s the only one on any paperwork and we used his credit card for everything. If they follow us to Denver, we know exactly who they want and why,” Mia said.
“That guy’s not enhanced,” Noah said pointing to the video.
“No. Chances are he’s local. You weren’t on the phone long. Once you turned off your phone, you were off the grid. They would’ve sent someone local to the area where you were on the phone to follow you. If they’re coming for you, it’ll be in Denver,” Thomas said.
“Will that interfere with the op?” Noah asked, concerned.
“We won’t let it,” Thomas said. “There’s a chance they’re coming to reclaim you as their property.”
Noah snorted. “Doubtful. Termination of loose ends. Can’t have crazies with unknown super-powers running around.”
They looked at him.
“Be interesting to see what they’ve got,” Noah said looking at the others. “They aren’t expecting any of you.”
“No they aren’t,” Lizzy said sitting back, crossing her legs. “You’re right, it will be interesting to see what their version of the Liege drug can do versus Hawke’s.”
“Any bets?” Mia said before breaking out into a wide grin.
“Hawke for sure,” Noah said tossing the sparkling mist into the air watching it fill the cabin and dim before returning to his palm.
One moment they sat on leather seats in the middle of the jet, the next they sat on the beach hearing the roar of the ocean with drinks in their hands.
“Liz, girl this is awesome,” Noah said.
“No fair, it doesn’t work on me,” Mia said. “I want to see.”
Lizzy laughed and removed the illusion. “Stop pouting, illusions never work on empaths. Believe me, that’s a good thing when dealing with strong illusionists.”
“Like you,” Mia said.
“Yeah, like me,” Lizzy agreed.
WHEN THE PLANE TOUCHED ground near the Mile-high city, the team was ready. Mia had changed. Noah was carried down the steps and placed into a motorized wheelchair. He and Mia entered the handicapped van. She drove away. The jet moved to the other side of the airport and parked.
“The black SUV is still behind us, think that’s them?” Mia asked Noah.
“Probably,” he had sensed them nearby the moment he was carried off the plane. “Damn controls,” he muttered pushing the knob.
“Don’t hit the door, you might fall out.” Mia laughed. “Thomas hasn’t been able to read the guys in the SUV. He still wants us to go to the hotel.”
“Mm-hmm.” Noah pressed the knob, the chair bumped into the side of the van. “I need to get this before we reach the hotel.”
Mia glanced in the rear-view mirror and smiled at his concentration. He could wield mist with whipcord accuracy but had problems navigating an electric wheelchair. Following the GPS’ instructions, she turned off the highway and onto the feeder road leading into Denver. It was a beautiful place, she wanted to return when they could spend some time.
“Go ahead and pull into the front of the hotel, let Noah out. Lizzy has the glamour locked on. If either of these guys is an empath let me know,” Thomas said. “We’re pulling into the garage and will be there in a few seconds.”
Mia saw the name of the hotel and pulled beneath the canopy. The SUV pulled close but not behind them. She was certain they could see their every move as she released door, it slid open and the gate extended.
Noah steered the chair onto the gate and it lowered to the ground. Mia grabbed their bags and watched Thomas and Lizzy in the distance as she locked the van.
She walked slowly next to Noah as they headed to the lobby and sensed probing fingers into her mind. “Mindlock,” she told Noah.
“Been locked all day,” Noah said as they entered the doors. “Did you sense them?”
“Yes. Definitely enhanced. One is quite strong. Neither are empaths, so the illusions should hold.” She approached the counter, gave Noah’s information and credit card. Once they received their room key, Noah moved out of the way as Lizzy entered and checked in. Thomas was still outside as Mia moved the van to a handicapped parking spot. She jogged back inside, placed her hand on Noah’s shoulder and they went to the elevators.
“Those two are discussing Noah. He’s not what they expected and isn’t sure they’re supposed to terminate a disabled vet,” Thomas said. “They’re contacting someone named Schmidt for further instructions. Mia, are you guys in your room?”
“Yes,” Mia said pulling off the wig and tossing it on the dresser. “I’ve scanned and sealed the room already.”
“Good because this Schmidt person just told these guys Noah is supposed to be enhanced and that he’s no cripple. Claims it’s all an act to fool these guys. Guess what their names are?” Thomas said.
nbsp; Mia heard the laughter in his voice.
“What?” Lizzy asked.
“Zeus and Hermes. They gave them names after Greek gods.”
“Wow, don’t tell Mali,” Mia said and the others laughed. “I guess this means we can’t take a nap?”
“Rest if you can. Delay that, they’re leaving their truck. One tall blond, big, other reddish-brown, triangle-shaped face, goatee. They have on sunglasses and just passed me. They’re bypassing the counter and going to the stairs which mean they know where you are.”
“What should we do with them?” Noah asked laying on the bed with his feet crossed at the ankles.
Thomas didn’t immediately respond. “Protect yourselves if they break down the door.”
“I can fix it that the door won’t break,” Noah said.
“Try that first,” Thomas said.
Noah opened his palm. The mist spread from top to bottom along the entire wall, covering the door and changed colors to solid black.
Mia knew the moment the two men stood in front of the door. “They’re here,” Noah said.
She nodded, stood and faced the door. If the seal didn’t hold, she would go after their minds, while Noah attacked their bodies.
There was a knock on the door.
She looked at Noah and they moved to the bathroom just as something slammed so hard into the door the wall shuddered and dust sprinkled to the floor.
Mia looked at the window and pointed.
Noah immediately covered it with the same black hardened mist. The door was hit again and again.
Mia wondered why security hadn’t come, surely they felt the vibrations.
“We’re in a bubble, you sealed our room. They probably sealed the hall too,” Noah said.
She nodded and jumped as glass from the window broke. “They just broke the outside window,” she told Thomas.
“They blocked your floor, we’ve been trying to get to you but the doors won’t open to that floor, we’re stuck in the stairwell,” Thomas said.
“Go to the room above or beneath us,” Mia said watching the window and trying to be calm like Noah. He stood watching the window and listening.