The Leviticus Club Read online

Page 19

  “I did the same thing when I woke,” she said finger-combing her hair. “I feel the same.”

  He looked down at her and froze. “You’re taller.”

  “Huh?” she looked down and then up at him. “Taller?”

  He nodded. “Yeah.” He stepped closer and placed his hand on top of her head. “See.” It was a few noticeable inches and her body seemed lusher. He rubbed his palm down and across her hips. “Bigger here too, firmer.”

  She jerked and tried to look behind her. “Wow, really? I didn’t notice with these leggings. Like it?” She looked up at him.

  He pulled her close. “Hell yeah. More cushion for the pushing.”

  She blinked and then laughed. “You’re corny.”

  He grinned.

  “Take off your shirt so I can see if you’ve changed,” she said watching him closely.

  He pulled his shirt over his head and immediately noticed it was tighter.

  “Your chest is wider.” With a wicked grin, she ran her hands over his chest and flicked his nipple.

  Tingles shot straight to his cock, hardening it immediately. Intrigued by her boldness, he remained still as she continued touching him.

  “Sixpack right here.” She tapped his belly. “More muscular,” she said slapping his chest with approval and stepping away.

  If they had more time, he’d toss her on the bed and sink deep inside her tight warmth. “I feel good,” he said replacing the shirt.

  She grinned at him, understanding the double meaning of his statement.

  Leaving the room holding hands, the hall seemed a bit brighter than before. The sound of his shirt ripping startled him. He stopped, looked at Mia and laughed. “Told you,” she said.

  Rina greeted them before they reached the corner.

  “This way.”

  They followed her in companionable silence. As they turned the corner, he heard the others talking and eating. His stomach growled as spicy aromas filled his nose.

  “Food,” he growled. They entered the same meeting room as before. A long row of covered trays filled a wall. The rest of the team sat at the table eating.

  “I hope there’s something left,” Mia said picking up a plate and serving spoon. When no one responded, she looked over her shoulder at them.

  They stared at her.


  “You changed,” Thomas said, his voice deeper and eyes lighter.

  “So have you,” Mia said turning back to fill her plate.

  “I think we all changed physically,” Lizzy said. “What about internally? It’s been two days since the shot.”

  Noah’s head whipped up. “Two days?” How had he missed two days?

  Thomas nodded. Still big, but not as compact. “Yeah, takes that long to repair and stuff. This is my first meal since the change.”

  “Mine too,” Damali said tearing into a drumstick. “Starving.”

  Noah took his plate to the table and pulled out a chair for Mia. Lizzy inhaled and looked at them. “How long you guys been awake?”

  “In and out,” Mia said.

  “Been busy,” Damali muttered.

  “Absolutely,” Mia said unashamedly.

  The meal continued in silence, with Noah and Mia refilling their plates twice more. When they finished they placed the dishes on the cart and returned to their chairs.

  “How does everybody feel?” Thomas asked looking around the table.

  The responses were positive, not much different.

  “Hawke will be in soon to start post-op exams. Anything you notice that’s different now is the time to get it checked. My stuff is evolving and eventually, I’ll be able to help but talk to him for answers.”

  They agreed.

  “Also, within the next 24 to 48 hours I’ll start reaching out to each of you to open channels for mind-speaking. Once that connection’s in place, we can talk to each other privately.”

  Mia looked at Noah. “Sounds like what happened that time we dream-walked.”

  He nodded.

  “What happened?” Thomas asked. Everyone looked at her.

  “We were investigating the case.” She looked at Noah. “In the library and I wanted you to fast-forward.”

  “Yeah, she called my name, I heard her in my mind.”

  “You didn’t mention that,” Thomas said in a considering voice. “Can you speak to each other like that now? Outside of your dreams?”

  “I don’t know,” Mia said. “Never tried it.”

  “Definitely something to look into,” Thomas murmured.

  “Mind speaking is a new skill,” Max said, bringing the subject back front and center. “Do we all have it? Or is it your skill that you’re sharing with us?”

  “The way it was explained is it’s my gift to share as leader. Also, I share in all of your gifts and can boost or cancel them,” Thomas said.

  “You can strengthen my gift or take it from me? Is that what you’re saying?” Tip asked leaning forward.

  Thomas nodded slowly. “Yes, that’s what he said.

  “Wow, that is new, didn’t expect that,” Tip said.

  “What other powers do you have that affect us?” Max asked.

  “I mentioned telepathy, the ability to find you, force your attendance, break your minds, and stop you from breaking the law.” He looked at them.

  They stared at him for several seconds without speaking.

  “That’s not what I had in mind when I asked you to be our leader,” Lizzy said.

  “Same here, sounds like a judge and executioner,” Mia said.

  “Definitely an executioner,” Mali said rubbing her neck.

  “Did you know all of that before you accepted the position? Or took the shot?” Max asked.

  “Hawke told me right before he gave me the shot,” Thomas said. He spread his palms wide. “I don’t know what to say. I hear the doubt and concern in your voices. Damali looks horrified.”

  “I don’t like the idea of you or anyone being able to kill me if you don’t like something I’ve done,” Damali said meeting Thomas’ gaze.

  “I agree. I don’t want to be the person to make that call, either,” Thomas said.

  When he didn’t say more, Lizzy spoke. “But someone would be that person. In the past, we didn’t need it. Things have changed. I’ll admit I’m stronger, not with the extras, I don’t really know what they are yet. But my mind is sharper, keener than it’s ever been before.”

  The others nodded.

  “So maybe there is a need for discipline,” Lizzy said.

  “Not without rules,” Noah said. They looked at him. “No rules, no discipline. Otherwise, how do we know we’re in the wrong? There are the 10 commandments and if that’s the only thing that governs this team, cool. We all know and accept that. But if that’s not it, if the rules are different or there are more rules, that has to be decided up front. Which would also include some way or person any of us can talk to if we don’t agree with your decision, Thomas.”

  “I totally agree,” Thomas said. “When we return to the complex, we’ll draw up rules to live by and the consequences of breaking those rules, me included. Good point, Noah.”

  The tension eased in the room.

  “Any body’s gifts kick in yet?” Max asked looking around and stopping at Noah.

  He didn’t say anything.

  “Hawke mentioned the gifts will evolve over time. Not months but days and that we’ll need to remain in the complex to work on them. If we need help, we can ask,” Thomas said looking at them. “How’s your head, Mia? I hope you don’t lose your gift, we need our empath.”

  She shrugged. “Everything feels the same. Just have to wait and see.”

  Thomas nodded and exhaled. “Look. I know it’s scary. I can’t say I won’t change, Hawke told me I would because your fates, and he did use that word, rests on my shoulders. If for some unfathomable reason somebody fucks up, I’ve got to handle it or give an answer why not.”

  “Who do
you answer too?” Mali asked.

  “Hawke or La Patron,” Thomas said. “La Patron is allowing him to help because he understands what we went through. Hawke made it plain no one wants to interfere with us but if we endanger their secrets, if our behavior starts humans to seek out dual-natureds, they will protect their way of life.”

  “By eliminating us,” Tip said.

  “Yes. As long as we don’t share who or what we are with others either directly or indirectly by our actions, or allow them access to the serum for unauthorized changes, they’ll leave us alone.”

  “Unauthorized changes?” Max said. “Who authorizes changes?”

  “I do,” Thomas said. “I’m the only person, other than Hawke with access to the serum. It’s my life if I fuck up with that.”

  “Should we be writing these rules down?” Damali asked.

  “Not yet. Hawke’s on his way,” Thomas said.

  “You can feel him?” Tip asked.

  “No, he told me. We’re already linked.” Thomas leaned back in the chair. Moments later the door opened and Hawke entered with his tablet.

  “Hello, Chimeras.”


  Mia searched the faces of her friends and noticed changes. Some were subtle like a streak of red in Lizzy’s dreds and larger eyes. Other changes were more dramatic. When she first saw Thomas she had been stunned. It was as if someone stretched his limbs and neck while enlarging his chest. He was the same size as Hawke. It was startling. Noah, Tip, and Max were all an inch or two taller, closer to 6’5”, plus they just looked bigger, like some of the wolves she saw earlier. Of all of them, Damali seemed the same but she could be wrong.

  Hawke accepted their greetings. He had to sense their discomfort regarding Thomas’ new role in their lives but didn’t address it.

  “Anybody have any problems waking up?” Hawke asked.

  “No,” they said.

  “Pain, constipation, any physical problems at all?” he asked. They all said no. “Good. I’ll take you one by one for a brief examination and then you can return home.”

  “Thomas.” Hawke waved Thomas out of the room.

  Thinking about the changes and turns their lives had taken, Mia sat back in the chair with her hands clasped across her stomach.

  No one spoke for several minutes.

  “Am I the only one freaked out by all of this? There’s a lot happening in a short amount of time,” Damali said.

  “We voted and agreed to it,” Tip said.

  “Yeah, but we didn’t... I didn’t know we’d live with our executioner,” she said.

  “Only if you break the rules we set in place. Makes sense to me,” Max said surprising Mia. Normally, he was the wild one in the group.

  “Did you hear me say, executioner?” Damali snapped. “He can kill us.”

  Max nodded. “If it comes to that, if I’m that out-of-control, I’d prefer he be the one to put me down. I don’t have a problem with that. There will be others joining this team. We all want that.” He glanced at Noah and Mia. “That’s risky but necessary. Living a long life is hell if you have to do it without that special person. So I’ll live by whatever rules we agree to and make damn sure anyone who comes into my life does as well so that I, we, don’t mess anything up for the rest of you. We’re fam.”

  Mia thought about what he said and agreed. Seeing Thomas in his new role would take time, but she agreed there had to be a gate-keeper if they were going to let others in.

  Damali balled up her napkin and threw it across the table at Max. “Why you got to make so much sense? Is that your new gift or something?”

  He ducked the napkin and grinned at her. “You’re the one wanting normal, it comes with a price and we’ll pay it.”

  Lizzy nodded. “Nothing’s free.”


  Hawke took the hand-held wand and moved it slowly in front and then behind Noah. When he finished, he looked at his tablet.

  “Looks good. Numbers are better than before, tissue mass is good, blood pressure, heart... all looks good.” Hawke looked at Noah. “Dream-walked lately?”

  Noah nodded. “Yeah.” He told him about the mist. “What do you think that’s about?”

  Hawke’s eyes widened at the news of the stone breaking. “Off the top of my head, I’d say your emotions drive the mist which could be a problem. It comes to you, which means on some level there’s a link. But the ability to use it like that is amazing.”

  Noah agreed the rock deal was cool.

  “With the shot, your gift is still evolving. Be prepared for it to strengthen as time goes on.”

  “Trailing mist is my gift? Seriously, that’s an enhancement? What am I supposed to do with it?” He didn’t see it. Most of the time the mist attacked him, where was the benefit in that?

  “Once you’re able to control it, to call it at will, you can shape it to whatever you need it to be, it’s a formidable tool.” Noah must not have looked convinced because Hawke continued. “Imagine the various shades in a mist, from clear, allowing you to see through it or dark enough to blind you. In a fight or escape, that ability alone can mean the difference between winning and losing. Weaponized, it is better than rope, handcuffs or plastic ties. Plus it will torment your enemies with their own dark memories. Don’t forget what it did to the rock, it’ll do that to anyone or thing you tell it to.” Hawke inhaled. “It’s one of the most awesome enhancements I’ve ever seen.” He looked at Noah. “It appeared before the shot?”

  Shocked by Hawke’s depiction of the mist, it took Noah a moment to respond. “Yeah, it did.”

  “I suggest you work with it every day until you’re comfortable using it as an extension of you. Just as you’d practice arming and disarming a weapon, do the same with this. Every day you’ll grow stronger, master it in the dream and during sunlight.”

  That surprised Noah. “I can use it awake?”

  “Of course. I’d bet the only reason it’s so strong when you’re asleep and dreaming is that your conscious mind blocks it during the day.” Hawke raised his hand. “That’s normal. But when you’re asleep, your subconscious allows the mist to rise because it’s an intrinsic part of you. Begin calling on it while you’re awake, see what it can do and how you can use it. Once you accept it as a part of you on a conscious level it’ll always be available.”

  Noah sat heavily on the chair. “All this time I thought it was the PTSD.”

  “That may be part of it or the trigger. It’s possible that the anger and grief you experienced created the mist as a coping or defensive mechanism after you were resuscitated. Coupled with your brain injury, the induced coma, and long recuperating period it’s highly feasible that you walked through dreams with the mist as an extension of you. That’s probably a better way to explain it.”

  Noah had no words. He couldn’t begin to think along those lines and stared at Hawke for a few moments. “Will Mia control it too?”

  “Time will tell,” Hawke said. “Soon you’ll know more, but it is a powerful gift. Be prepared for some sort of backlash or limitations.”

  “Backlash? Limitation?” Noah asked.

  “Something that powerful has to be limited or you could place large areas of the world in darkness,” Hawke said with a soft smile.

  Noah hadn’t thought of that.

  “The greater the gift, the higher the cost to use it. It may drain your energy leaving you weak if you use it for prolonged periods, or if someone suffers from it, you might feel some of their pain. Or you could black out. It varies. You’ll learn what they are once you use them.”

  “Anyway to learn them before I need to use them? It’d suck to be in a sticky situation and fall asleep,” Noah said.

  “Time will tell, everyone’s different,” Hawke said as he clapped Noah on the shoulder. “Let me know how it turns out, I’ve never heard or seen that particular power before.”

  Still processing their conversation, Noah nodded, took a deep breath and stood with his hand extended.

  Hawke shook it.

  “Thank you. I appreciate you making sense of this.” He ticked them off with his fingers. “The hit to the head, dying, the injection, induced coma, nightmares, dreams, it all started there. That’s where chimera started.” He shook his head. “Makes a lot of sense now.”

  “Good,” Hawke said. “Things will be easier to accept now that you see how the enhancement evolved.”

  Noah nodded and walked with Hawke to the door. “We’re good to leave now?” Noah was the last one examined.

  “Yes. Thomas will visit the compound after he gets a handle on his enhancements. By then the scanning and other equipment I’m revamping for your team should be ready.”

  Noah hadn’t known about any of that but nodded anyway. “Thank you again.” He and Hawke walked in companionable silence down the hall toward the conference room. Thoughts tumbled and jockeyed in his mind for dominance.

  Control the mist. It’s a part of me. Triggered by the trauma to my brain. Control it. Backlash. Limitations. By the time they reached the conference room, he wanted a quiet place to sit and think.

  The look on Mia’s face alerted him something had happened. She stood and handed him his cell phone which she kept during his exam.

  His cousin Liam had sent a text:

  Two guys in military uniforms came by looking for you. Wanted to know where you went and when you’ll be back. I don’t know the answer to either and didn’t tell them. They said it was important for you to contact them. Got their information for you to contact them.

  “They’re looking for you already?” Mia said looking worried

  Noah thought of Dr. Higgins and his stupid comments. He never should’ve shared that information about her personal life. He’d been so pissed, so angry... now they were looking for him.

  “Seems like it.” Unsure of what to say or do, he read the text message again. If they saw him now, they’d suspect he was enhanced.

  “Is Liam safe?” she asked surprising him.

  “Why wouldn’t he be? He’s been a civilian for eight years.” Noah wasn’t sure why she asked that question. The military didn’t want Liam for anything.